Photos By Lie = photos by nata(Lie)

Hi all! "Photos By Lie" is a new blog of mine to showcase some of my photography. I want to try to build up a portfolio, in doing so I am trying to get more serious about my photo taking. I'm an intermediate photographer thinking about going pro, but I'll need a lot of practice and patients first! For right now I just want to get serious about taking great pictures.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Critique this Blog Hop by Pixel Perfect

Another Photography blog that I follow, Pixel Perfect is having a 'Critique this' blog hop today. I am submitting this photo that I took not long ago of Darrell and his guide dog Egypt. It was a very muggy day but I had that itch to take pictures so we went out on the balcony and snapped a few shots. I wish it had more colors in it but other than that I think it came out pretty well.

I consider myself an intermediate photographer, I know my way pretty well around my camera, can do a fair amount in Adobe Lightroom, my editing software and currently have my first paid photography 'gig' set up in May. Well, here it is, let me know what you think!

A close up picture of Egypt, yellow lab, head and neck in focus, and Darrell, a young man blurred out sitting in the background. The image is taken from slightly below the labs head making her look regal and powerful. Darrell's face, while blurred out can be seen in a slight smile while he looks at Egypt.

I used my Nikon D5000, 18-55 mm lens. It was edited in Adobe Lightroom 3.

I'm open to whatever critiques you have so bring it on! Please, feel free to do so to my other posts as well. It would be really helpful :)


Anonymous said...

I really like it. I can't think of anything I would do different (Okay I would have cropped it and then hated it and put it back to what you have it at now)

Natalie said...

lol thanks for the critique :)

Erin said...

Actually there isn't much to critique, though I'm SURE my teachers would beg to differ. (Be thankful they aren't here:)) I like how sharp Egypt is, especially around her eyes. There was a big difference in my photos of Pompei and Rob, because I started focusing on his eyes.