Photos By Lie = photos by nata(Lie)

Hi all! "Photos By Lie" is a new blog of mine to showcase some of my photography. I want to try to build up a portfolio, in doing so I am trying to get more serious about my photo taking. I'm an intermediate photographer thinking about going pro, but I'll need a lot of practice and patients first! For right now I just want to get serious about taking great pictures.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

I think Pet Photography is my calling....

I have always loved taking pictures of my dogs but lets be honest, labs are not always their most photogenic when they are in action. Lots of floppy skin around their faces and necks make it hard to get a good shot without a completely goofy look. Goofy looks aren't always bad but when that is all you have to work with it can sometimes be frustrating.

I was very excited this weekend to get to take some action shots of a dog with basically zero percent floppy skin.

Photo shoot with my brother's pitt bull Zeda:

Image of a black and white pitt bull standing in a grassy field looking towards the camera. There are blurred out trees in the background

Image of a black and white pitt bull in the middle of a jump, 3 of her four paws are off the ground. She is in the middle of a grassy field.

Image of a black and white pitt bull with a pink collar running in the direction of the camera. She is in a grassy field with trees in the background

Image of a black and white pitt bull looking up to the left top corner of the frame, she is in a sit position and the image is cropped where you can see her shoulders and head.

Image of a black and white pitt bull standing in a rock and grass field, she is looking out of the right side of the frame with her mouth open in a wide smile

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