Photos By Lie = photos by nata(Lie)

Hi all! "Photos By Lie" is a new blog of mine to showcase some of my photography. I want to try to build up a portfolio, in doing so I am trying to get more serious about my photo taking. I'm an intermediate photographer thinking about going pro, but I'll need a lot of practice and patients first! For right now I just want to get serious about taking great pictures.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Little bit of sun

A few photos I took over the weekend - experimenting with sun-flare through some tree branches.

Focusing on seeds hanging off of a tree branch with a sun flare coming through the top of the frame. The flare caused the edges of the branches to turn shades of yellow, pink and green. Blue sky can be seen along the edges of the photo.

Focusing on several tree branches with hundreds of seeds hanging off them. There is a sun flare coming through the top of the frame. The flare caused the edges of the branches to turn shades of yellow, pink and green. Blue sky can be seen along the edges of the photo.

Image of thick tree branches with small round seeds hanging off the limbs. There is a sun flare coming through the very middle of the frame, it causes the smaller limbs around it to be outlined in yellow and orange. You can see a halo of blue sky all around the flare out to the edges of the frame.

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